Christina, a wife and mother to four children, dedicates herself to supporting women and their families as a Traditional Birth Companion. Her journey into the realm of birth work started 13 years ago, following the birth of her fourth child. Opting for a home birth with a midwife after three conventional hospital births proved to be a pivotal decision that reshaped the trajectory of her life.
The experience of her home birth sparked a newfound power within Christina, something she had not experienced in her three prior hospital births. Although filled with happiness and excitement over the arrival of her babies, she didn't realize what she had missed out on, it was a profound rite of passage, the birthright of every woman.
Fueled by a compelling calling to birth work, Christina become a Doula, driven by a desire to help women to have beautiful and empowering birth experiences. It soon became evident to her that industrialized maternity care operated as a business, often leaving women feeling defeated and traumatized. Supporting women within this model of care did not align with her TRUTH.
Uncertain of where she would fit in, Christina briefly entertained the idea that her doula days were behind her. However, a pivotal moment occurred when she was invited to attend a friend's freebirth—an experience that made her feel like she had finally found her place. This introduction to an out-of-system, physiological birth was nothing short of magical.
Christina firmly believes in the innate wisdom of the body and advocates for trusting the birth process. Driven by her passion and knowledge of physiological birth, she aims to share the message of strength and power, removing fear from the birthing experience. Her mission includes sharing her knowledge of German New Medicine (GNM) and the body's intelligence, emphasizing that there is never anything to fear within the body.
Kristen Nagle is a mother to three young children that continue to shape and direct the path she walks on. Having been a NICU nurse of 14 years, Kristen feared birth and believed in medical practices taught to her in school. Through the journey of her own children beginning with her oldest in 2015, the veil slowly began to lift. Once Kristen saw the harms being done to women in the hospital, she could no longer unsee what was being done, the work no longer aligned with her soul. After learning about physiological birth she felt robbed of an experience she didn't know existed with her first two sons having both been medical births. Equipped with new knowledge and passion when Kristen became pregnant with their child, she embarked on a new path to have a home birth with a traditional birth companion (wise women). It was in this transformative experience that the fire was ignited within and Kristen knew her purpose was to share this sacred experience with all women, so they knew what existed for them as well. Christina also attended Kristen’s birth of her daughter Adley, and together they are passionate to help as many women as possible have their own powerfully, unique, physiological birth experience.
Kristen’s hope is, that if someone like her, a former NICU nurse, who once believed home births should be illegal, can reclaim the rite of passage of childbirth, and become a fierce advocate for home births, that more women realize their strength, their power, their sacred blessing and also reclaim their birth. Once women realize how capable their bodies are, their strength, they'll have the confidence to stand in this power, their intuition, their innate wisdom and confidently raise their children trusting in their ability to care and nurture them, without external validation. It's not just reclaiming birth, it's reclaiming motherhood, it's reclaiming ourselves as women and how we've been fearfully and wonderfully created. Glorifying His name and perfect design. This was how The Reclaiming Birth Conference was first created and launched in September 2023, only to gain momentum to evolve to reach more women to normalize physiological birth and create widespread, generational change.